Monday, July 8, 2013

Let Them Make It!

Just home from a long day of work and a day of summer kids camp, I decided to make a big salad for dinner.  The best part was that my daughter wanted to help and her "cooking" made dinner time less of a battle.  You know, that battle of getting your kids to eat!  Remember, I am not a cook.  In fact, if you were to make a cooking comment and my name in the same sentence, my family would all laugh.  However, at least for one night I enjoy patting myself on the back knowing that I taught my daughter a new life skill and at the same time instilled in her a healthy habits!  So here was our quick and easy, semi-homemade recipe. 
I call it "The Cobb Plus Salad"
1) We simply went to the fresh salad bar at our local supermarket and bought all the toppings, not the salad, but the toppings we wanted for our salad. Then purchase the salad greens of your choice from the produce area.  This allows you to put more toppings in your salad from the fresh salad bar, where they charge you by the pound.  So it's cheaper to just buy the bag of salad greens separate and only pay per pound for your toppings.

2) When home, we chopped up all the toppings.  This is where I let my daughter have a butter knife and taught her how to cut our vegetables for the salad.

3) Cut open your bag of salad and dump it into the bowl.  (perfect job for any child)

4) Add your cut toppings to the greens and mix!

The best part by far was enjoying the moment with my daughter and watching her eat something she had made!  Enjoy easy, quick moments like this with your family!  Let us know your quick, easy family recipe to try!

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