Sunday, December 29, 2013

From Platter to Quick Snacks

As we wrap up the holidays, you may be staring in your refrigerator at left-over fruit, veggie or cracker & meat platters. Wait, don't throw them out! Turn them into quick and easy to grab snacks for you, your kids and family!

~ Fruit/Veggie Platters: separate the fruit and/or veggies, wash/rinse them, then put into your snack containers and refrigerate. 
~ Cracker & Meat Platters: these make the best snack lunches!  Separate crackers and/or meats, slice if needed into smaller servings, place into sandwich plastic bags and refrigerate. When packing for a lunch, be sure to keep crackers and meats separated so the meat juice does not soften your crackers. 
~ Cheese Platters: these can be difficult to keep. The best cuts of cheese to keep for snacks are those in the cube cut. Separating cheese is up to you, but I personally prefer to. Then always remember to look at your cheese cuts prior to eating/serving as these can mold quickly. 

Also keep an eye out for platters going on sale or coupons for platters. It just might be cheaper to buy a platter to make your snack packs. My 5 year old daughter was excited to wash, separate and refrigerate a small platter we got today on sale. She did this all herself with my supervision, and the best part saved me time!! So think twice about your platters!

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