Thursday, May 9, 2013

Welcome to Get Them To Eat!

Have you ever heard "That's Yucky Mommy" or "Eew" or better yet watched as your child spit out the bite they just took of those green know, how it comes in a chewed up form out of their mouth as slow as possible? While we think this is just a "stage" in life and they will grow out of it, somehow we end up dealing with this challenge from the time they begin eating up until they are teens and moving out of the house. After that, most Mom's give up!
So let's change that! Some of you may be thinking "Ha, go ahead and try" or maybe you are just hysterically laughing. Truly though through all these frustrating moments we as parents have all had, we still have time to "Get Them To Eat". Trust me!
I hope this blog helps you discover new ways to get your family to eat healthy. The resources, references and activities we will post will be educational, comical and above all, FUN! We will also be excited to hear from all of you and your challenges.

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